Ethno Tattoo Lausanne – The Great Adventure

March 2, 2003By Le Jardinieren, Tatoo

Ethno Tattoo Lausanne The Great Adventure   A group of artists, like a crew of pirates…! Personalities as hardened as steel, all tattooing together in the same space, as if at the bottom of a ship’s hold, in a deafening noise mingled with the clatter of machines and the sound of loudspeakers spewing their venom.

Franck Tattoo – Biker tattoo artist

December 1, 1979By Le Jardinieren, Tatoo

Franck Tattoo  Biker tattoo artist   Frank started tattooing in the late seventies as a member of a motorcycle club in Annecy, Haute Savoie. He was a tough guy who had cut his teeth in Djibouti. His first shop in Annecy was upstairs on rue de l’Annexion. After a few years, Frank moved to Lyon.